What is WIC?
WIC gives you access to healthy food, nutrition education and breastfeeding guidance. If you’re pregnant, a caregiver, or a mom with a child under 5, you can get the right personalized support for you and your family.
Caregivers with a low to medium income and those who are part of other programs such as foster care, medical assistance, or SNAP are eligible.
Watch these videos to learn more!
How to Use Your WIC Nutrition Card
Bienvenido a WIC! WIC es un programa Especial de Nutrición Suplementaria para Mujeres, Bebés y Niños. WIC ayuda a mujeres embarazadas, mujeres que están lactando, mujeres que recientemente han tenido un bebé, bebés y niños hasta cinco años de edad. Hay mas información aquí o se puede ver este video Bienvenido a WIC.
WIC Provides:
- Supplement nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, eggs, milk, cheese and more
- Nutrition and breastfeeding education and support
- Referral to health care providers and community programs
Participants receive a WIC card (like a debit card) to redeem food benefits at local grocery stores. WIC helps you save money by providing nutritious foods for you at no cost.
Formula Shortage Info:
- If you have any questions regarding formula or formula alternatives call us. We are happy to try and help you.
Montpelier WIC
310 Lincoln Avenue
Montpelier, Ohio 43543
Phone: 419-485-3141 x129
Fax: 419-485-5420
Appointments are Monday & Wednesday 8:30am – 4:30 pm; Thursday 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Offers late appointments 1 day/month
Bryan WIC
1399 East High Street
Bryan, Ohio 43506
Phone: 419-636-8754
Fax: 419-636-8107
Appointments are Monday – Friday 8:30–12:00 and 12:30 – 4:30 pm
Offers late appointments 1 day/month