Health Assessments
Community Health Assessments (CHA)
Data is collected every three years among Williams County adults and youth to better identify and understand health issues facing Williams County residents. Through a combined effort by the Williams County Health Department, Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers, and many local organizations listed in this publication, we are able to provide valuable information about our community.
The CHA provides an overview of health-related data for Williams County adults (19 years of age and older) and youth (grades 6-12) who participated in county-wide health assessment surveys. Every 3 years, the questions in the surveys are selected by local agencies and modeled after the survey instruments used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for their national and state Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). Additional data is also provided by local agencies.
For additional information or questions regarding the report, contact Victoria Smith.
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
A community health improvement plan (CHIP) is a community-driven, long-term, systematic plan to address issues identified in the community health assessment (CHA). The purpose of the CHIP is to describe how hospitals, the health department, and other community stakeholders will work to improve the health of the county. Priorities for the plan are developed by community members and local organizations based on the results of 4 assessments. This CHIP reflects the results of a collaborative planning process with the involvement by of a variety of community sectors.
The 2023-2025 Williams County CHIP priorities align with state and national priorities. Williams County will be addressing the following priorities: mental health and addiction, health behaviors and built environment, and access to care.
If you are interested in getting involved in the CHIP, contact Victoria Smith.